Having flexibility with your staffing is one of the most important requirements for most organisations. Without a level of flexibility, how do you manage, when your permanent team members are on holidays, have unexpected absences or take parental leave? What about those peak seasons in your industry – how do you manage in those really […]
Tag: Staffing Solutions
20FebHow a super star employee can lift productivity and engage the rest of your team!
Did you know that one super star employee can have a huge effect on raising the standard of work in your organisation? If your team is a little lacklustre in their performance and you introduce a real go-getter, it can have the effect of positively increasing the morale and productivity of the whole team. […]
12FebReducing the Cost of Employment
More and more businesses are being caught for wage theft and there is no excuse for this. We live and work in Australia, enjoying a very high standard of living. Along with that standard comes the cost of wages in this country. We now have the highest minimum wages in the world and if you […]
6FebCIRCLE’s “Future-Proof Your Career” series: 1. Getting Started
What does “Future-Proofing Your Career” mean? From the most senior of executives, to the most junior of assistants, why should we all do it? Picture this; you are happy at your job. You have been loyal to the company and you aren’t looking to leave because you know everyone, know the business and frankly, you […]
27JanWhen you decide to work with a Recruiter, what protections do you have?
The recruitment industry historically has not had a good name. When you decide to use a recruiter, how can you be sure you are getting a qualified, responsible, ethical and cost effective service? Don’t be caught out – know who you are dealing with. The Recruitment Consulting Services Association (RCSA) is the recognised industry body […]