Over the years that CIRCLE Recruitment & HR (Previously 923) have run Australia’s Biggest BUSINESS Morning Tea, we have raised over $120,000 for Cancer Council – all from a cuppa and a few scones!
In 2019, the large number of local businesses who joined with us, learned how creativity and brand, can drive their business growth, from one of the best in Australia!
Now you need to wait for Australia’s Biggest BUSINESS Morning Tea in 2022!
We know you love it and we love raising money to work towards the eradication of Cancer, so of course we do it every two years!
Thank you to our 2019 Key Note Presenter: FRAN CLAYTON, Chief Strategy Officer, McCann Australia

Watch out for Australia’s Biggest BUSINESS Morning Tea 2021!
Attendees had the chance to learn from a global Advertising Agency, McCann Australia. From ‘Louie the Fly’ to ‘The Milky Bar Kid’, ‘It’s Time’ for the Australian Labor Party and even the giant ‘Coke Sign’ in Sydney’s Kings Cross, McCann is a new breed of agency (with a strong history) with the leadership, processes, structures and DNA of a creative independent, backed by global resources and intellectual capital of the world’s largest agency network. With more than 180 offices in over 120 countries, they are part of the world’s largest advertising agency network.
There were hundreds of small businesses in the room, high level energy, business networking, building contacts, learning from the best and doing business.
It’s the biennial business event, where we come together, network and make business happen, all while raising much needed funds to fight Cancer.
Cancer effects one in every two people … think about it – that means half your business contacts, half your team members, half your friends, half your family …
Do something amazing next time and join with the small business community to learn from a great speaker, network, build business and work together to eradicate one of the biggest killers of our time!

The story of ABBMT
Back in 2013, CIRCLE Recruitment & HR turned ten years old! We wanted to celebrate in some way, make a statement and give back to society. We considered Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, a Cancer Council fundraiser, and wondered about all the workplaces too small to make much money from their own morning tea with a couple of staff. What if we hosted the morning tea for all of them and collectively small businesses could make a greater impact on Cancer Research. We added the word ‘BUSINESS‘ and Australia’s Biggest BUSINESS Morning Tea (ABBMT) was born!
The idea took flight and from our first success in 2013, the event has gained more and more momentum. We have run this event five times, with increasing attendees and greater success each time! With the help of 300 attendees and dozens of wonderful business sponsors, we raised amazing sums for the Cancer Council! For a number of years, Australia’s Biggest BUSINESS Morning Tea has been the Cancer Council’s fastest growing event in NSW.
We are grateful to have hosted ABBMT over a number of past years with fantastic Key Note speakers such as:
- Craig James, Chief Economist from Commsec
- Steve Sargent, CEO of GE
- Alex Malley, CEO of CPA Australia
- Michele Bullock, Assistant Governor (Financial System) Reserve Bank of Australia
- Fran Clayton, Cheif Strategy Officer, McCann Australia
In 2016 we were able to attain three brilliant successful small business owners to tell us their secrets!
We have now raised over $120,000 for The Cancer Council … all from a ‘cuppa and a few scones’!
Want to see the film for each year and how the event has grown?