Register for our Database

To register for our candidate database simply complete the form below, attach your resume and submit. One of our trained consultants will review your application and make sure you are entered correctly into our database. You will then receive emailed job alerts when we have suitable roles that match your criteria.

Don’t forget to tell us whether you are looking for full-time or part-time work. Long or short hours and your available days.

For further information give CIRCLE Recruitment & HR a call on 1300 923 000.

Connect with our Managing Director Kathryn MacMillan on LinkedIn, to stay up-to-date with the latest CIRCLE Recruitment & HR news and job openings.

We also offer specific assistance in an individual setting

Do you need Resume help?

Skills Testing?

Interview Skills?

Recent Graduate?

Career Coaching?

Returning to the workforce?

Assisting you to reach your career goals

Register for Our Database

Are you looking for work? Join CIRCLE Recruitment & HR’s database. Receive emailed Job Alerts for great roles, link with the Director on LinkedIn, and send us your resume. Click here to join the database and find the latest in temp, part-time and full-time roles from entry-level to executive.