1. When is your office open?
We are open from 9.00am to 5.00pm every day. However we require an appointment if you wish to speak to us – best to call and speak to a consultant first– 1300 923 000
2. What is the best way for me to approach CIRCLE Recruitment & HR ?
The best way for you to join the CIRCLE Recruitment & HR data base is by visiting our website at circlerhr.com.au. On any candidates page, you can scroll down to the large area, that says ‘Register for our Database’.
You can fill out our online form and attach your CV, by clicking on the link below that will take you directly to the page.
Click here to Register for our database.
3. How should I send my CV?
It is best for us to receive your CV electronically through our website. If you have registered through the website, and forgotten to attach your resume, you can email us.
4. Should I write a covering letter/ email?
At CIRCLE Recruitment & HR , we like to receive your covering emails as it gives us an insight to your personality. Often it is from this letter that we receive vital information about your current situation, what type of role you are looking for and the hours you are available to work.
5. What happens when you get my CV?
Every CV received by CIRCLE Recruitment & HR is logged into our database and processed by our staff. You are contacted and sent a ‘Welcome’ email to confirm we have received your CV. All CV’s are then reviewed by a consultant.
6. When will I hear from you?
Once on our database, you will begin to receive ‘JobAlerts’ via email. Once you respond to a job alert we will contact you for an interview. We regularly hold interviews at our office, just to get to know you and discuss your options, however we have many thousands of people on the database, so you should also make contact with us.
7. Should I contact you again after my initial contact?
Certainly, if you have not heard from us for a while, contact us and let us know where you are currently at with your work situation. Communication is the key, so keep in contact.
8. How do you treat my personal information?
All your personal information is stored securely in our database in keeping with the National Privacy Principals.
9. What should I do if I need to update my CV?
Send through an updated CV to our recruiters – With a covering note of course!
10. Where is your office?
We are located at Suite 1/16-22 Willock Ave Miranda NSW 2228. Willock Ave is diagonally opposite the back entrance to the Coles Car Park – so easy to find!. We also have a serviced office location in Australia Square in the CBD on level 33.
11. What is the quickest way to contact the office?
Call the office direct on 1300 923 000 or contact us online.
12. Who do I contact if I need to change my details for the DataBase?
13. Will I receive a Newsletter from you?
Yes. Once you register for our database you will automatically receive our quarterly newsletter ‘CIRCLEFreedom’ with fantastic updates, hints and tips and information on courses and jobs of course!
14. What if I receive Job Alerts that are not suitable?
At CIRCLE Recruitment & HR , we pride ourselves on thinking outside the box. This means that we consider it important to offer you a range of positions that may be suitable. Sometimes you may receive a job alert for a role, that may not suit your current situation.
Please simply delete the email or feel free to forward on to any of your colleagues. Many candidates have advised us that while they may not be in a position to accept a specific role currently, they value being kept ‘in the loop’ of communication.
15. What are the terms of payment when I am purchasing career coaching, resume re-writes or other coaching services?
CIRCLE Recruitment & HR conducts training on the following terms and conditions.
1. Registration Confirmation. All registrations are confirmed subject to the receipt of the appropriate payment.
2. Fees. Fees are due within 7 days of booking, or as stated on the invoice but no later than the commencement of the session. If payment of a session, has not been received within the stated period, an enrolment may be cancelled. An enrolled participant will always be notified prior to this occurring.
3. Copyright. All materials, notes and content are subject to copyright and may not be reproduced, copied or otherwise duplicated, in part or in full, without permission.
4. Cancellation by Clients. CIRCLE Recruitment & HR understands that you may from time to time, be forced to cancel a session which has been paid for. If you are unable to reschedule the session your payment is refundable less an appropriate administration charge.
5. Non-Attendance. If no notification is received and there is non attendance at the course, no refund will be made.
6. Cancellation by CIRCLE Recruitment & HR. While every effort is made to run coaching and training sessions to advertised schedules CIRCLE Recruitment & HR reserves the right to alter and amend some sessions in the case of unforeseen circumstances. If such an instance arises we will make every effort to reschedule your session at an appropriate time for you.
7. Administration Charge. An administration charge of 5% of your total fee will be charged for any sessions that you have to cancel. This fee is equal to the cost incurred by CIRCLE Recruitment & HR when processing your payment.