Temp Desk Blog

Temp Desk Blog


How Companies are using Temps as Part of their Strategic Business Strategy

Leveraging different working styles and skills can offer a game changing competitive edge for your business, so let’s dive into some of the ways our clients use our trusted workers.

Will your job change with new AI technologies?

Part 1 In my previous blogs, it was discussed how Artificial Intelligence (AI) burst onto our consciousness in late 2022 and how we would need to use AI tools at work to keep up and optimise our time and productivity. As I started contemplating the coming changes AI will bring to jobs in different industries, […]

Using AI Tools at Work

Following on from my previous blogs on AI, I can categorically say that AI Tools not only are already in the workplace, they will become essential. This space is moving quickly and it really won’t be long before everyone will use some kind of AI tool, app or in-house generator tool routinely at work. In […]

Finding it hard to get good staff? What’s your EVP like?

Recently I called a new client who had been unsuccessful recruiting on their own, to delve a little deeper into their recruitment problems. The role that they were looking to fill was not anything out of the ordinary, but their industry does have issues with skill shortages. I wanted to ask the client ‘what are […]

How a super star employee can lift productivity and engage the rest of your team!

Did you know that one super star employee can have a huge effect on raising the standard of work in your organisation?   If your team is a little lacklustre in their performance and you introduce a real go-getter, it can have the effect of positively increasing the morale and productivity of the whole team. […]

What skills does a recruiter have?

Anyone can recruit right? Anyone can whack a job advert on Seek correct? Yes and no. Yes, anyone can place an advert and interview candidates but no, not anyone can perform a skilled and scientifically based program to get you the best person possible for the job. Apparently CV fraud is on the rise. False […]

Waiting for your perfect match? Wait no more!

Great Resignation, Big Quit, Candidate and Skill Shortage… sounds familiar? Recruiting permanent staff has generally always been easy, but in times of tight candidate markets; It becomes really challenging. You must wait for days, weeks, even months to find someone to complete your permanent role. You are hoping for that “perfect candidate” to fall from […]

Why Trust is so Important

Trust is something that people don’t often think about in terms of work relationships, but it is super important. You see when an employee is offered a job, there is more than one contract that is bought into play. While we all sign employment contracts that advise about the terms of the workplace and the […]

How to Manage Mental Health Issues at Work

In our last blog, we talked about stressors and whether they could be classified as hindrance stressors OR challenge stressors.  In this article, we are going to look at what we can do as employers, when we feel that someone at work is suffering from mental health issues, which goes BEYOND challenge stressors. Workplace stressors […]

Tactics To Make My New Hires ‘Hit The Ground Running’

Onboarding is the process that organisations implement, to expedite socialisation (Klein 2015). Socialisation is the theory of facilitating integration of new workers more quickly into the business, through their observations and adoption of the behaviours of those around them. Standardising formal socialisation processes, (e.g formalised induction processes) assists in improving business outcomes and overcoming variance […]

How to predict your next worker will be successful in your business?

Sally looked at the young candidate sitting nervously in front of her twisting her fingers in her lap. ‘I have bought all my references and I have a sample of my work in this folder if you would like to see it’ she said. Sally sighed inwardly, she was looking for just one thing and […]

Recruiting by Social Media – The Positives and Negatives

Many organisations use dedicated recruitment websites such as Seek, My Career, Indeed and even less conventional and generalist websites when looking for workers. Using job boards is the traditional method for advertising your role. However, these days there are also a huge range of other options for reaching workers. Some employers trawl through social media […]

Is Your Business Suffering From Absenteeism

Is Your Business Suffering From Absenteeism?

Did you know that it is suggested that the cost of one of your workers being absent from work for one day is $578! Absenteeism costs around $44 Billion dollars every year to Australia and quite apart from the monetary aspect other issues such as lower moral amongst other workers, the inefficiencies from having to […]

Why An Enriched Life Outside Work, Makes All Work Better.

Did you know that research shows one way of coping with high pressured work is to have more interests outside of work? You would think, that when you are dragging yourself back in the door at the end of the day, in the dark, exhausted, worn down and ready for nothing but a red wine […]

Leading The Team

As a manager, one of the hardest aspects can be leading the team. Your team is made up of humans, who all have different worldviews, cultural backgrounds, ideas and perspectives, not to mention emotions!  Someone once described the delicate balance of personalities at work to me in this way ‘Your world is like a spinning top; you […]

Recruit On Attitude Not On Skills

So you are looking for a new employee and are going to do it yourself. Because we are that sort of a company, we are going to give you some recruiter’s tips on recruitment. Tip number 1: Use a professional (well we had to say that) Tip number 2: Recruit on Attitude not on skills […]

Do You Need To Recruit A Manager?

CIRCLE Recruitment & HR has been in business such a long time now that we have been able to watch our client’s businesses grow and develop along with our own! In the beginning, often start ups come to us looking for initial staff such as admin, sales, accounts or operational workers, but as the business matures, […]

Creating Avatars For Recruitment

Recruitment is hard. You may have in your mind what sort of person you are after, their skill set, their work ethic, even what their personality may be like but finding that exact match? That is another thing. Say you can describe to yourself the perfect worker you need. You know exactly what you want. […]

How Can On-Hired Staff Help Your Business?

The process of sourcing on-hired staff involves allowing another company to undertake the role of sourcing  and employing specific workers for your business. On-hired staffing has recently become increasingly popular in Australia due to the value it creates for both the employee and the employer. Businesses choose to source on-hired staff for many reasons. One […]

Services We Offer



Specialist talent for management and executive roles



Premium full-time staffing solutions



Temporary staff for whatever your business needs



A flexible workforce when you want it



Trusted Australian Human Resources and Industrial Relations experts



Assisting you to reach your career goals