Did you know that it is suggested that the cost of one of your workers being absent from work for one day is $578! Absenteeism costs around $44 Billion dollars every year to Australia and quite apart from the monetary aspect other issues such as lower moral amongst other workers, the inefficiencies from having to utilise workaround scenarios to get the job done and lost productivity to the business makes absenteeism a huge problem.
While many people are absent from work, because they are actually ill or need to have some personal carers time, there are other reasons why people may be absent.
Disengagement with the business is one major cause. Lack of engagement to a role, to the business or to the people within the work team increases the chances of absenteeism. This is something that needs to be addressed by your management team, HR team or outsourced HR provider.
Perhaps your business is suffering from an ‘entitlement culture’ where people feel entitled to take every bit of leave owing to them. One must question where this culture stems from and why people feel like this. If workers are engaged with the business, they are less likely to feel like this. The old culture of ‘takin’ a sickie’ may still prevail in your workplace and it can be a difficult and slow process to remove. Sickies on Mondays, Fridays and after big events are common place in some workplaces and steps need to be taken to remove this culture.
Mental health issues are a growing concern and affect the workplace as more people succumb to stress and mental health related issues. There are a number of risk factors that employers can actively work to reduce the possible impact on worker’s mental health. Look at mentally, physically or emotionally demanding work with poorly designed workflows and relentless work pressure. When work stress is very high or prolonged it can turn into a work related psychological injury.
What can employers do?
1.Measure your absenteeism. If you do not know how high it is, you may not realise you have a problem. Only by measuring it can you deal with it
2.Investigate the reasons for your absenteeism – what is the percentage of acceptable days of work against the amount of unacceptable days – what are the reasons given for these other days – could there be other reasons that are not communicated – read between the lines
3.Request a Doctors certificate for absences longer than one day
4.Work on instigating a culture that does not engage in unwarranted absences from work
5.Monitor your workers and if you see some workers are struggling instigate some external employee assistance
6.Be a strong parent and discipline your workers with fair procedures. Enforce your policies – do not let things slide.
7.Train your managers on how to handle their teams better.
Call CIRCLE HR for assist with all of these initiatives from policies to research and workplace investigations. Our Career Coach provides an employee assistance program under 923|Candidates which maintains a barrier of confidentiality between the workers and our HR work with the business. We have the ability to refer further to clinical psychologists if required. Our HR division can train your managers and improve your business culture. Give us a call today 1300 923 000
Important Note: These articles have been prepared for general circulation and are circulated for general informational purposes only; these articles should not be regarded as business or investment advice. The articles represent the views of the writers and are subject to change without notice. Additionally, while every care has been taken in the preparation of the articles no representation or warranty as to accuracy or completeness of any statement is given. An individual or organisation should, before any business or investment decision is made, consider the appropriateness of the information in this document, and seek professional advice, having regard to objectives, situation and needs. This document is solely for the use of the party to whom it is provided.