Sometimes, as I am rushing to buy food for the family, looking at the weather and wondering about my washing on the line, while making business calls on my mobile and thinking about that work I need to fit in from home tonight, I wonder about the loss and gains in my life as a working woman. Lost is the time to just be in my house without rushing madly to try and make time stretch; gained is my financial independence and a rewarding career; lost is the time for myself for pampering and just being alone with my thoughts; gained is my level of confidence from utilising my workplace skills – everything is a trade off.
The most important thing to many people is a sense of Work/Life balance. It may not necessarily revolve around young family responsibilities, but could be due to the needs of elder care, study or mental health. Society has changed and with it, the workplace is changing. One only needs to look at the increase in the part time work figures to see the rise in this type of work.
Many traditional family structures rely on a full time worker and a part time worker to manage the family responsibilities. In many cases, this role still falls to the female partner. Having the flexibility to be able to be present in the important moments of your child’s life, or to accompany your ageing parent to an important appointment is a paramount concern to many people.
Many women leave work to raise a family and may find it daunting to return to the workplace after a break of a few or many years! Returning to some study and refreshing skills can assist. Contacting previous work colleagues and getting back into the work mindset can set you up for a successful return to work.
Organisations which offer family friendly policies are sought after as employers. These could be flexible working arrangements, family and parental leave, childcare or family support.
Additionally it has been found that the implementation of Work Life Balance practices enhance the autonomy of workers and contribute to both productivity and positive mental health.
Offering flexible work practices is a growing trend within the Australian workplace. Numerous studies, carried out globally, have provided key evidence to businesses of the benefits of offering workers more flexibility within their work environment. All businesses will need to address this emerging trend in order to improve their operations and earnings in the future. However you don’t need to be ‘Big Business’ with a big budget to implement some winning strategies .
Here are 10 easy to implement ideas for Family Friendly practices that can assist your workers to greater productivity, longevity in their jobs and a happier workplace:
• Idea Number 1 – Part-Time Work Hours
• Idea Number 2 – Teleworking: Working Remotely
• Idea Number 3 – Job-Share
• Idea Number 4 – Flexitime
• Idea Number 5 –Communication
• Idea Number 6 – Implement Exchange Servers
• Idea Number 7 – Create a Workplace Policy
• Idea Number 8 – Create a Family Friendly Workplace
• Idea Number 9 – Instigate a Employee Collective Agreement
• Idea Number 10 – Offer Professional Development To Your Staff
Don’t know how to do these things? This is where we can help – call CIRCLE Recruitment & HR on 1300 923 000
Important Note: These articles have been prepared for general circulation and are circulated for general informational purposes only; these articles should not be regarded as business or investment advice. The articles represent the views of the writers and are subject to change without notice. Additionally, while every care has been taken in the preparation of the articles no representation or warranty as to accuracy or completeness of any statement is given. An individual or organisation should, before any business or investment decision is made, consider the appropriateness of the information in this document, and seek professional advice, having regard to objectives, situation and needs. This document is solely for the use of the party to whom it is provided.