Over the years we have interviewed hundreds of candidates from young people just out of school, through to executives and it does not matter what level of worker you are or what stage your career is at, if you can be an experiential interviewee you have a greater chance of success. So what do we […]
Tag: job interviews
8FebCareer Tips to Help You Out This Summer!
Job search during the holidays Are you super busy in the lead up to the Christmas and New Year holidays? It’s easy to get lulled by the warm sun and chaos of the holidays to lose track of your goal of finding a job or changing jobs or careers. Don’t let external circumstances, the holidays, […]
17MarHow To Perform Well At A Job Interview
Do you need help with job interviews? You may be searching for your first “real” job, or you have actually never had to do interviews because you got your role through a friend and then you were promoted at work from one job to the next. Or perhaps it has been a really long time […]
10DecCut To The Chase: Just What Do Employers Look For?
There is no doubt that while different jobs all require different talents and capabilities, there are some general traits that all employers are looking for. We see these over and over again in the requests that employers make to us. It is interesting that skills are rarely at the top of the list; experience and […]
18SepThe Retro Vlog Series!
We have in the past made some great vlogs – short films that address a number of common issues which affect our clients and candidates. We have just reviewed them and decided that many of the issues are still current today, so we (after checking them thoroughly) are reissuing through our Retro Video Series. Great to […]
29JunHow To Create ‘Cut Through’ With Your Interview.
In my role as Managing Director of CIRCLE Recruitment & HR, I often give presentations, be they PowerPoint, pitching verbally to a room of people, or a meeting about a strategic alliance in a coffee shop. So I love to read articles about better pitching methods, and while I have been doing it for a […]
24FebVideo Interviews – How Do You Get The Best Results?
Between FaceTime, Skype, and the bevy of online video applications, video interviews are growing in popularity. If given a choice, as a candidate I would always opt for a face-to-face interview as a personal presence can create a much greater impression than a two dimensional screen. Don’t be in too much of a hurry to […]
13NovSelf Presentation And Interview Success
So you’ve hurdled the first obstacle in the recruitment process and have been offered an interview for your next role. This warrants a modest pat on the back but now to the harrowing question –What do I wear? Unlike deciding what to throw on to university for the day, or which outfit to wear to dinner […]
12SepThe Value Of SELF AWARENESS In Your Job Search Success.
Have you ever struggled with the classic interview question; What are some of your strengths / What are some of your weaknesses? An almost unavoidable query in any interview setting, it is important as an interviewee to have a confident grasp on your response to such a question to ensure success in your hunt for […]