So many times I have been in conferences, networking events, business groups and mentoring groups, when the question is asked ‘What is your biggest pain’ and unanimously the answer is people; staff; workers; employees!
So what’s the issue – people are wonderful; creative; talented; smart –
why do so many businesses find them the greatest headache?
Because people are very complex!
You see, I can take all my years of experience, all the knowledge from my degrees studied, use all the skill and psychometric testing available to me, talk to past employers, conduct an in-depth interview on a person, but I cannot tell you what is in their heart and I cannot tell you what is in their brain.
No one can.
To make matters more complex – people change! They are not static.
What you see today may not be what you get tomorrow!
All of these factors make managing people the hardest task, the most time consuming task and the most difficult task for many organisations.
Well, that coupled with the fact that most managers are promoted to a managerial position due to their functional capacity – you were a great accountant, so now we will make you head of the accounting department with its 10 staff.
But, you are still just a great accountant right!
Generally no one has taken the time to give you management training. No one has given you any skills to be able to handle these ever changing individuals you now have in your charge.
You don’t have a psychology degree right? You have an accounting degree!
So, where do I start?
Most managers fail, because they have never been trained for the job.
You would not place an untrained zoologist in a cage with silverback gorillas?
Why would you put an untrained manager in a job that they have not been trained for?
“Oh but Suzy was a manager in her last job” – yes, but was she trained for that? Was she actually a good manager? Just because she was a previous manager, does not mean she was good at it.
All new managers that come into your organisation should be put through some management training.
So now we have managers with some basic tools and techniques to use, so we are no longer sending them in unprepared.
But what about ongoing assistance?
- The more you manage…
- The more personality types you have to deal with…
- The more difficult discussions you have had to have…
- The more situations you have been exposed to …
The better you become.
You know those that went well for you and those that did not;
You know where you failed and what you would not do again.
Let’s share stories!
When undertaking some executive coaching recently, a manager was advising me about how often they talked to their team members and what they talked about. It occurred to me that all discussions were work related.
Never a discussion about the individual – how were they going? Were they happy? Where were they struggling? Where did they want to develop more professionally? How were they feeling about work?
Everyone needs these types of talks.
So what about bringing your managers together for monthly ‘talk fest’ or ‘Management mentoring’.
Get your managers together, sharing and talking about those situations they have all faced.
- What did work; what didn’t work?
- How did you get the best out of Sam?
- How did you make Michael happier at work?
- How did you increase people’s opportunities for professional development?
- How do you broach mental health with your team?
So many opportunities to stop your managers failing; start sharing!
For proven Management Training contact CIRCLE Recruitment & HR or call 1300 923 000
Important Note: These articles have been prepared for general circulation and are circulated for general informational purposes only; these articles should not be regarded as business or investment advice. The articles represent the views of the writers and are subject to change without notice. Additionally, while every care has been taken in the preparation of the articles no representation or warranty as to accuracy or completeness of any statement is given. An individual or organisation should, before any business or investment decision is made, consider the appropriateness of the information in this document, and seek professional advice, having regard to objectives, situation and needs. This document is solely for the use of the party to whom it is provided.