There are plenty of considerations and steps to complete when engaging in the recruitment process of new employees. This includes the initial advertisement of a position, writing of job descriptions, competency matching, candidate interviews, testing, reference checking and much more! A full recruitment process can be quite daunting for businesses that don’t engage in […]
Tag: recruitment help
25JulHow Companies are using Temps as Part of their Strategic Business Strategy
Leveraging different working styles and skills can offer a game changing competitive edge for your business, so let’s dive into some of the ways our clients use our trusted workers.
25JanWhy Highest Ethical Standards Mean Good Business?
In 2015 the management team at CIRCLE Recruitment & HR decided that we needed a statement that said exactly who we were. We have been in business for over 20 years and we had quite a few new staff starting with us. We wanted not only to send a message to the business community and […]
24SepHow to stretch your recruitment dollars further
Recruitment is an expensive business, whether you are employing a recruiter or you are doing it yourself. Time is money and recruitment is an activity that takes a lot of your time. Firstly there is writing a job spec, then an advert; deciding where to advertise, and then dealing with the applicants. If you are […]
1MayTop things big recruitment companies don’t want you to know
Tired of dealing with recruitment companies? Still need help but not getting the service levels you require? Our industry has some brilliant, ethical, smart operators that really know what they are doing, but sadly also many churn and burn recruiters, who unbelievably still just aim to get ‘bums on seats’. So here it is; the […]
1MarCareer Change: Making the Leap
Are you feeling unsatisfied with your current job or career path? You’re not alone. Many people experience this feeling at some point in their lives and choose to make a career change. However the thought of starting over in a new field can be overwhelming. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons for […]
14FebHow to Hire the Best Engineers
Hiring engineers can be extremely difficult, as the technical knowledge, experience and qualifications are often very specific. However, this difficulty is heightened by the current candidate-driven job market as there are more engineering jobs than available candidates. So how do you make sure you hire the best engineers in the face of these challenges? Be […]
14FebShortage of Engineers? Look for champion potential!
Engineers and technicians are among the most in-demand jobs in the world. It is a well-known fact that the engineering industry is struggling against a widespread skill and staff shortage, and has been this way for many years. The Covid pandemic has made us realise that we cannot completely rely on outsourcing overseas, migration and […]
14FebCompetition in the Financial Services Industry
Competition is extremely robust in the financial services industry, with businesses actively competing with each other to differentiate themselves and provide superior service. This is heightened by the ease at which customers and clients can move from one financial service provider to another and the increasing demand for more personalised, automated services. The strong competition […]
13FebHow has COVID-19 Affected the Health Landscape & Staffing?
Whilst Australian states continues to flatten the COVID-19 curve and yield the rewards cultivated from months of augmented vaccination efforts, many continue to resonate from the aftershock of stringent lockdown measures. These same measures implemented to protect the physical wellbeing of Australians have also harmed their mental and emotional welfare. A double-edged sword, enforcements including […]