Accounting professionals have always been difficult to recruit, from the technical knowledge required to the often specialised natures of the role. However, there is currently a major skill shortage in the accounting industry, with a study from the Australian National Skills Commission finding that accountants were one of the occupations suffering the highest skill shortages. […]
Tag: recruitment problems
19MayEnhanced Recruitment Practises
Organisations have a range of technologies available to them, to assist with workforce recruitment. Many experts believe Recruitment is the most important of all Human Resource operations and is the corner stone for business survival. Technologies available to firms today, to assist them with attraction and recruitment, include using professional recruitment firms, pursuing passive candidates, increasing employment […]
1AugEmploying in a Creative Manner – Ten tips to reduce employment risk and make more money!
CIRCLE Recruitment & HR is a member of BXNetworking. It comprises networking groups, right across Sydney where small businesses meet. As their in-house HR expert, I created an article for the BXNetworking magazine and a corresponding Webinar on Employing in a Creative Manner. Here’s is an excerpt just for you … for the rest – […]
4JunRecruitment Procedure
Clients hear about CIRCLE Recruitment & HR from a variety of sources; from our marketing and publicity initiatives, directly from our website, from previous client’s word of mouth referrals and from returned business from existing clients. While we specialise in white collar roles, we have placed our candidates into full-time, part-time, casual and temporary positions, […]
24AugThe New Role For Recruitment : Perhaps You Don’t Even Need To Recruit?
The role of the recruitment consultant is changing. Anyone can put an advert in Seek for a position, so what is the value add that a true Recruitment consultant offers to any business? The key is the word ‘consultancy’. Our industry body the RCSA is called Recruitment Consulting Services Association just for this reason – it is not the […]
18AprRecruit On Attitude Not On Skills
So you are looking for a new employee and are going to do it yourself. Because we are that sort of a company, we are going to give you some recruiter’s tips on recruitment. Tip number 1: Use a professional (well we had to say that) Tip number 2: Recruit on Attitude not on skills […]
20MarThe Plus And Minus Of Employing Older Workers
The Plus and Minus of Employing Older Workers Business today works in a highly volatile environment, constantly changing with hyper competitiveness, demographic, and economic issues. Remaining productive in this environment means reducing staffing costs and increasing productivity. Engaging your workers so they remain with your business long term and reducing the cost of new hires is […]
3MarDo You Need To Recruit A Manager?
CIRCLE Recruitment & HR has been in business such a long time now that we have been able to watch our client’s businesses grow and develop along with our own! In the beginning, often start ups come to us looking for initial staff such as admin, sales, accounts or operational workers, but as the business matures, […]
17OctCreating Avatars For Recruitment
Recruitment is hard. You may have in your mind what sort of person you are after, their skill set, their work ethic, even what their personality may be like but finding that exact match? That is another thing. Say you can describe to yourself the perfect worker you need. You know exactly what you want. […]
16AprDISC Profiling
As experienced recruiters, the CIRCLE Recruitment & HR team has a variety of tools readily available to assist our clients with their recruitment and sourcing needs. One such tool is DISC Profiling. The DISC psychometric testing system has been validated over the years with research, is highly accurate and user friendly for businesses. As with […]